Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hi there.

Hi there.
It's been a while.

But, I think that I might be back.

Not a post every six weeks kind of back.

Maybe working on a post a week (or so) kind of back.

My life has been lending itself to more structure this Lent, which I can only attribute to God's grace, and I have been feeling the tug to get back online and posting in the blogging world.  I have lots to share (or I think that I do), but to bring you up to date on the personal aspects of things, I'll summarize the past few months by saying that I'm well.
Job is good, family is good, I am good.
Good things are happening.  I feel equally blessed and challenged, which is a good place to be.
So check back this week for more news.  Here's a hint on the next post:

1 comment:

  1. So good to "see" you again! I'm looking forward to your stories and inspirations. Love ya!
