Liturgical Year

Nothing is more fun that finding new ways to celebrate the Liturgical year! Check back here for a list of posts about activities to go along with the Liturgical Seasons.

The Liturgical Year:

The Liturgical Year Coloring Book*
Liturgical Year Calendar (Review for TelosArt)
Liturgical Year Printable & Colorable Calendar (Review for TelosArt)
Decorating for the Liturgical Year
Liturgical Year Board Game
Monthly Devotion Signs* (text only)
Monthly Devotion Signs* (full color with image)
Ideas for Living the Liturgical Year in the Classroom*

Advent & Christmas:
Favorite Books for Advent & Christmas
Advent, Christmas, Epiphany Ideas 2019
Epiphany Coloring Page
My Gift: An Epiphany Readers' Theater*
Peg Doll Nativity
Animals for a Peg Doll Nativity
Kid Made Peg Doll Nativity
All Natural Woodburned Peg Doll Nativity
Wandering Wise Men, Part 1
Wandering Wise Men, Part 2
Wandering Wise Men, Part 3
Seeking our Savior: A Detective Journey*  
Seeking our Savior (Spanish)*
Advent Today
Favorite Advent Videos
A Stocking for Jesus*
Nativity Photo Booth
Advent Trivia Jeopardy
Advent Prayer Ring*
Advent Prayer Cards for Each Sunday (Year C)*

40 Ways for 40 Days Checklist*
Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy/Pray, Fast, Give Chart (color)*
Simple Liturgical Calendar (color and black/white)*
Lenten Pretzels Recipe Card (color)*
Fish Fry Friday Coloring Page/Placemat*
Stations of the Cross Mini Book*
Passion Sunday- Why do we cover statues? Coloring & Info Page*
Palm Weaving Coloring & Info Page*
Holy Week Poster (color)*
Saints of Holy Week Coloring & Info Page*
Good Friday Coloring Page*
Pascal Candle Coloring & Info Page*
Crotalus & Aspergillum Coloring & Info Page*
Tenebrae Service Coloring & Info Page*
Resurrection Stained Glass Coloring Page*
Easter Prayer Coloring Page*
Lent: Ideas for 40 Days* (Round-up Post of Links)
Hands-on Stations of the Cross* (easy to do with a group)
Lent Looks Different (Classroom decorations)
What Lent Looks Like* Coloring Page/Printable
What the Triduum Looks Like* Coloring Page/Printable
Lent: Pray, Fast, Give Foldable* (Also in Spanish)
Lenten Prayer Challenge Board* (Also editable)
Lenten Art Gallery Walk & Visio Divina (Update with Spanish version)
Holy Week Family Retreat & Journal* (In English, Spanish, and French, and with an editable schedule)
Lent Family Weekly Plan*- Sunday Gospels and Fasting/Giving using the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy (editable)
Using the Stations of Cross as Inspiration for Acts of Charity Foldable*
Connecting the Passover and the Passion*- A Youth Bible Study
Give Up & Take Up*: Lent Youth Group Lesson, Videos, and Resources
Paschal Candle Craft for Kids
The Sound of Lent: A Lent Playlist
Videos for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter: A playlist
Passion & Resurrections Peg Doll Set
50 Ways to Celebrate the 50 Days- Easy to share pdf with ideas for the whole Easter Season
Fifty Days of Easter* Post with collection of ideas for celebrating Easter
What Easter Looks Like * Coloring Page/Printable
The Sound of Easter: An Easter Playlist
Saint Scavenger Hunt*
Digital Saint Scavenger Hunt
All Saints Day Art Project
All Saints and All Souls Day Letters*
Beatitudes and Modern Saints Card Game*
All Saints Day Info Coloring Page*
Happy All Saints Day Coloring Page*
All Saints Day Litany Prayer Cards*
All Souls Day Prayer Cards (Eternal Rest Prayer)*
Memento Mori Printables*
Memento Mori Reflection & Visio Divina

Psalm 9:2 Coloring Page* (I will give thanks to the Lord) 
Psalm 9:2-I will give thanks bulletin board*

St. Joseph's Day

For more ways to celebrate Saints' Feast Days, visit here and look under the saints list. 

Catholic Schools' Week 
Saint Pennants- Perfect decor for Catholic Schools Week*
Saintly Friends Bingo Game*
We Love Our Catholic School Display
Catholic Schools Week Bulletin Board 2018
Catholic Schools Week Bulletin Board 2016
Catholic Schools Week Bulletin Board 2015
Catholic Schools Week Bulletin Board 2014
Catholic Schools Week Thank You


  1. Hi Katie,
    I'm a third grade teacher in a Catholic School and I just found your blog. I'm going to attempt to do the All Saints Day art with them. I was curious if you have any ideas on teaching parables.
    Thanks for any help!

    1. Hi Jill! I'm so glad that you are finding some things that will be useful in your classroom! I hope that the All Saints Day art project goes well- I'd love to see pictures of how they turn out! I actually don't have any activities on parables- that is a content area that I don't cover in 5th grade. I will keep it in mind when I am looking for ideas to create new activities, though. That could be fun! Thanks for your comment!

  2. Hi Katie, I just loved your site. Thank you for sharing, especially the ones related to the season. I am very appreciative.

  3. Hello Katie, please explain your Lenten table idea with the "cards" in a bowl with Scrabble pieces. Thanks, Cindy

    1. Hi Cindy- That picture from this lent post is just a display on my kitchen table. I have kept a bowl of Scrabble pieces on my table for years- I think they are pretty, and they are a great conversation starter/something for people to play with when they sit at the table. This Lent, I added a pretty wood board, a crown of thorns and Stations of the Cross Cards. from Blessed is She (The cards are now sold out). Hope that helps!

  4. Hi Katie,
    I am really really glad I have found your blog. I am an Assistant Head in a Church school in Malta, i am also a catechist and an adolescent and youth minister in my parish. Keep up your good work!

  5. Hi Katie,
    I love your blog! It's been so helpful with my fourth graders! Wondering if you have anything for the Feast of Christ the King?
    Thank you!


    1. Hi Marissa! Thanks! I'm so glad its been helpful! Unfortunately, I don't have any posts currently that are specifically about Christ the King. I do have this song playlist, so you could listen to that with them while drawing or coloring images of Christ the King. I also think this would be a great weekend to do Lectio Divina with the Mass Readings. Sorry I'm not more help!

      Christ the King Playlist

  6. Hi Katie, do you have word clouds for each season or just Lent - these resources are super!

    1. Hi! Thanks! I think I only have a word cloud for Lent...but that would be a great project to add to my list! I do have signs & symbols coloring pages with images and words for each season. You can find those individually under each category above, or all together in the first link called "Liturgical Year Coloring Book." Thanks!

  7. Hello Katie,

    I have just stumbled across your website, obviously the work of the Holy Spirit!

    It is AMAZING! You are AMAZING!

    Thank you for sharing your talent, knowldge, wisdom and passion for handing on the Faith!


  8. Hello Katie!

    Stumbled on your site during a google search looking for material to teach my children catechism. I love the material you have made available to us freely. Thank you for all the hardwork and love I know you must have put into this. God bless you for this!


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Katie, I love all these resources you have! Thank you so much. This will be my first year teaching PREP to first graders. I am looking for some type of liturgical calendar that they can color the week we are in when they are in class with the appropriate color for the season. Any suggestions?
    Thanks again.

    1. Hi Tina! That is so exciting that this is your first year with your first graders! I have been thinking and looking for the right fit for you, and I have a couple of suggestions.
      This site has a liturgical wheel that could be colored in for the seasons. You could hang it in the classroom or keep them in a notebook or folder and have the students color in when the season changes. She also has a blank wheel with squares that could be colored in each for each day of the year. It doesn't have any labels, though, so you would have to do some work making it ready for use with 1st graders.
      Liturgical Calendars
      I found many other calendars that would work, but unfortunately, none of them were updated for the 2017-2018 Liturgical Year. :(
      Another option that might be more age appropriate would be to use the general Liturgical Year calendar and color in for the seasons, but then have the students create a calendar using pipe cleaners and pony beads. You would need to have purple, green, white, and red pony beads available, and each week the students would discuss the color of that Sunday and add it to the pipe cleaner loop. When the year is up, you can twist the ends together and have a circle of beads, one for each week, that shows all the liturgical seasons.
      Hope that helps! I'm sure you'll come up with just the right activity!

  11. HELLO Anne,
    I am a first-time catechist in my local parish for 4th-grade youngsters and your ideas of teaching have come in handy. I have always introduced my students with your activities, which they truly adore. With gratitude, My team and I want to say thanks a billion for these lovely activities because each generation has their style of learning.

  12. Thanks so much for sharing all these activities and resources! It makes religion class and our Catholic faith come alive, interesting and interactive for me and the students.

  13. Thank You Katie.
    I love your ideas, expressions, but most of all I LOVE YOUR JOY. You are so very generous in allowing use of your ideas for classes and YM. I've been doing different versions of the Resurrection EGGS for nearly 10 years now, and this year I wanted to change it up again. Love your versions! Many of your pages have been collected to my 'Things To Do, Possibly' list. With appreciation. Angie.

  14. Hi Katie. I have enjoyed teaching the 7 sacraments from your handouts. How the children loved them! I am preparing children age 8 to 10 to prepare for First Holy Communion and I would help to use your worksheets. Please Katie send me some more ideas on how to get the message across. God bless

  15. Hi Katie! I am a big fan of yours. I teach middle school and you have amazing ideas. Thank you for sharing them.
    Divina LeGrange
